Mwenge Catholic University

Lux Mundi - Light of the World
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Mtu Ni Watu: Enhancing nutrition of vulnerable groups in agroforestry systems in Northern Mountains of Tanzania via collaboration for better dairy cattle management.

This project aims to improve agro-ecosystem quality as well as nutrition in the agroforestry systems of the Northern Mountains of Tanzania. Our aim is to integrate and enhance livestock health and productivity under a zero-grazing system. By collaborating between established and emerging universities, we aim to strengthening the research and outreach capacity of MWECAU through joint research, focusing on record keeping, cattle health, breeds and nutritious animal feeds for enhanced milk quality and quantity. Moreover, we aim to improve the situation for vulnerable groups, in casu single-headed households and special needs groups, by improving their access to protein-rich food. The project is inspired by the outcomes of the VLIR-UOS SI LiveLabLink, and extends upon the scope of the VLIR-UOS Bega Kwa Bega Team project to build more inclusive and sustainable agroforestry systems in northern Tanzania.