Mwenge Catholic University

Lux Mundi - Light of the World
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Never Drop the Mike Outreach Program

Never Drop the Microphone’ is a outreach program aimed at empowering youth in Tanzania to discover and utilize their talents and potentials towards self-determination and societal contribution. The initiative addresses the prevalent issue of youth unemployment by encouraging young people to focus on creativity and self-employment rather than solely seeking jobs. The outreach has two primary objectives. Firstly, it aims to awaken youths to their inherent talents and potentials through workshops and training sessions held in secondary schools and universities across Tanzania. By fostering a sense of ownership over their learning and decision-making, the outreach program equips youths with the confidence and autonomy needed to navigate modern society. This objective is important for nurturing engaged citizens capable of positively impacting their communities and supporting Sustainable Development Goals. Secondly, the outreach activities seek to raise awareness about the urgent impacts of climate change among youth. This is achieved through various activities such as concerts, talk shows, and community engagements like the ‘Walk Talk’ program, where experts meet with community members to discuss and address climate-related issues. By increasing awareness, the program aims to inspire sustainable practices and drive technological advancements in climate change solutions. To effectively communicate its actions, the program utilizes social media platforms and engages in educational initiatives such as creating informative posts, videos, and articles. It also organizes screenings, debates, and climate-themed projects in schools to further spread awareness and encourage active participation among youths and their families.