Mwenge Catholic University

Lux Mundi - Light of the World
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PROBONO is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering school partnerships between German schools and those in Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. The primary objectives of the program are to support education in African schools, enhance social competencies, and provide global learning opportunities for African teachers and students.

In Tanzania, PROBONO focuses on the sustainable improvement of the educational landscape by supporting the professional development of teachers and school leaders. The program seeks to enhance academic performance in Tanzanian schools and improve the professional prospects of the country's youth.

PROBONO provides financial support for the construction of school buildings, educational equipment, teaching materials, and scholarships for students in need. It also funds professional development opportunities for Tanzanian teachers through ongoing training programs. In collaboration with Mwenge Catholic University (MWECAU), PROBONO is helping to develop a high-quality, sustainable teacher training program.

One key initiative is the Teaching in Action (TIA) Training, held annually at MWECAU each September, followed by School-Based Training (SBT) conducted five times a year in various schools. This training involves subject teachers, headmasters from 12 partner schools, and District Education Officers (DEOs). Through these workshops, participants gain valuable skills and knowledge that contribute to their own professional growth and the academic success of their students.